A Call to Action: Black Lives Matter

In the wake of the Derek Chauvin verdict, as well the ongoing incidents of police violence perpetrated against Black and Brown people across the country, Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow Human Rights Action (TASHRIA) is proud to join over 25 local social justice groups – along with three village Boards of Trustees and two mayors – signing on to a statement calling on local governments to affirm that Black Lives Matter through a series of specific actions.

The statement, which was drafted and edited by TASHRIA members, calls on local municipalities across Westchester County to engage in four key actions:

· Proclaim that Black Lives Matter across the region.

· Create municipal human rights commissions to serve as watchdogs for racist violence and bias incidents – and educate communities on racism, equity and diversity.

· Establish community forums and listening sessions regarding these issues so that Black and Brown residents will always be heard.

· Create processes to reform and reinvent the practice of policing so that every resident feels safe, protected and welcome in their communities.

One of our fellow statement signatories, the Irvington BLM Activists, have organized a Black Lives Matter rally that will take place on Saturday afternoon (April 24th) at 1 PM in Irvington in front of the Town Hall building on Main Street. The group was responsible for organizing another BLM rally in neighboring Dobbs Ferry last September, where hundreds of residents turned out to protest racist t-shirts left on the doorsteps of Black and Asian residents, implying they were not welcome in the community.

Organizations from across the county have continued to add their names to the statement. The full statement text and the list of all current signatories can be found here.