We were pleased to help organize and co-sponsor first ever Greenburgh Pride Rally last weekend, held at Patriots Park in Tarrytown. The event was a truly momentous and historical occasion – and we were proud to support Pride, the right to love, and helping to ensure that Tarrytown and the rest of Greenburgh becomes a more welcoming and comfortable place for all of our LGBTQ+ residents.
Dr. Mackenzie Lerario – one of the chief organizers of the rally who serves on our LGTBQ Working Group and the LGBTQ Subcommittee of the Greenburgh Human Rights Advisory Committee – recently released a Transgender 101 Guide for Greenburgh Businesses, detailing how local business owners can support the local Transgender, Non-Conforming, Non-Binary (TBNCNB) population in their daily activities.
In addition, the LGBTQ Subcommittee and Greenburgh Pride Committee is conducting a needs assessment survey for all local LGBTQ residents of Greenburgh. If you are a local resident who identifies as LGBTQ, we would encourage you to take the survey.